Modernist Studio - Supervisor Dashboard

I worked on the Supervisor Dashboard designs used by supervisors for managing data analysts of clinical trial data. For the designs, I condensed multiple levels of organization (clinical programs, studies, and individuals) and statistics in an easily navigable experience. I designed wireframes, flows, and prototypes for both finalized and MVP versions of the platform, iterated upon feedback from the client, and pitched final designs to the client. Moreover, I added nested components that were essential and comprehensive of various states to the design library.


Summer 2022
4 weeks


A HealthTech Company



Working with

1 Product Manager
1 UX Designer
1 Engineer
The solution: A Quick Look

Making complex data simple to navigate

See high-level overviews and suggestions of study progress...

Through use of hierarchy to split up information at different levels, supervisors are able to discover high-level insights through overviews about the studies and programs they are in charge of.

...and figure out who or what is causing the issue.

Supervisors can drill-down into specific studies and team members to view an overview of their progress and find issues. This way, they can assign tasks to team members and manage appropriately through data insights.
The Problem

Data analyst supervisors can't easily discover clinical studies and data analysts who are falling behind schedule.

This is due to the modular nature of the current UI, which makes it difficult to find clinical studies at risk and properly manage data analysts to assign tasks.

What is the application?

The platform is utilized by data analysts and supervisors for cleaning clinical trial data, addressing issues, queries, and meeting objectives. This specific dashboard is for supervisors.

What do supervisors do?

Supervisors oversee analysts managing clinical trial data, ensuring they meet time based critical FDA milestones.
Original Design
design problems

The application feels like a collection of individual items, making it hard to parse, and there is a lack of direction for the user.

Isolated studies

Supervisors don't know what to prioritize since there are no overarching statistics on what are the most pressing studies.

Visual lack of direction

Extracting actionable insights from the presented statistics is challenging due to the lack of visual cues for attention and insights for direction.

Data hierarchy

An obstacle to tackle regarding the design of creating high-level overviews was the data layering and hierarchy. It is difficult to design a display that prevents the user from getting lost in data while being able to drill down to specifics.

Heuristic Evaluation

I conducted a heuristic evaluation to identify glaring issues with the current design. In addition to the general heuristic evaluation, I created guidelines for dashboards and data visualizations to identify points of improvement.

Competitive analysis

Before creating designs and wireframes for the Supervisor Dashboard, I researched existing management applications to understand what kind of information would be helpful for supervisors and how to go about the information hierarchy.

Analysis questions

1. What kinds of data visualizations are useful for team management?

2. How are the individual progresses of team members tracked?

3. How can the statuses of different clinical trials be displayed?
Applications investigated
Reflecting on Research

Guidelines for iterations from research takeaways

After conducting research, I created some guidelines to remind myself of my goals while iterating. These were informed by my competitive analysis research and the client's requests.


The dashboard should provide useful insights for the supervisor to know what their next step is.

Ease of navigation

It should be easy for supervisors to navigate the layers of data.


Supervisors understand where the data is coming from and have more context.

Main dashboard display

I explored multiple displays for the main dashboard. This would be the first page that the supervisor interacts with and would be a main hub for the persona.
Option 1
Suggested Studies & team members
Option 2
status groupings
Option 3
High-level overall and status groupings
Option 4
Groups with team members

Study data display

I explored multiple displays for displaying information about each study. It is important for these pages be easily navigated to between studies for supervisors to skim various studies to find issues.
Option 1
Full page with Side tab navigation
Option 2
Drop-down items
The Solution

A dashboard design that gives supervisors the power to view the data at a high-level and drill down to specifics.

Having high-level overviews of multiple layers within the data allows for supervisors to pinpoint and issue, drill down to find the cause, and resolve the problem.

User Journey

The user journey of a supervisor is to find and resolve issues with the workflow of completing tasks for studies. This framework for the supervisor workflow is supported within the final designs.

Discover issues through overviews of study and team member progress.

Each hierarchy level has an overview of the progress statistics and milestone progress. This provides metrics for studies and data analysts profiles for quick breakdown of data and identification of issues.

Suggested studies & team members of interest as a starting point

The Home page is a landing page for the supervisor to understand what they should be prioritizing that day. It has suggested studies and team members who have high amounts of overdue tasks so supervisors have a starting point to discover and resolve issues.

Moreover, it has a collection of the upcoming milestones for all studies for time sensitive tasks and a recently accessed section for quick access.

Drill-down to figure out who or what is causing the issue.


Contributor breakdowns for each statistic

The overview of all studies page has data visualizations that, upon hover, reveal contributor breakdowns of each statistic. This allows supervisors to discover studies or team members who have high incomplete, overdue task rates, and other issues.

Examine data analyst's situation through data to provide a resolution.


Use data cuts of workload and time to identify next steps for resolving the issue.

Supervisors can view the data analyst's progress for each study and can change the time the data is cut from. This allows them to identify the actions for resolving the issue whether that be redistributing tasks to other team members or checking up on the data analyst to figure out road blockers.
Users can filter the data from the overview level (all studies) to each specific study through a drop down menu.

Simple navigation for complex data traversing

Allowing users to view an overview of each cut of data was important and necessary for them to be able to make larger insights on the data as a whole to prioritize a certain issue. However, this adds more pages to consider for navigation. The navigation system condenses the multiple layers to prevent users from getting lost in the data.

Overview page integrated into navigation pane for a simplified yet insightful user flow

I implemented a navigation pane system with the overview page being a special page within the list of studies which allows it to be distinct, yet unified within the rest of the pages in the user flow. Most importantly, this allows the user to only have one main navigation system and not get lost in the data.

Data analyst's statistics for all their studies and specific studies are on a single interface for ease of navigation.

To simplify the navigation while traversing data analyst's data, I implemented the navigation pane system paired with a filtering system to prevent the user from having to move through multiple pages and getting confused.
Team member data hierarchy

The platform remembers where the user came from and pre-populates the data appropriately

When users click on data analysts on a specific study page, that data analyst's page will pre-populate with the specific study applied to the drop down filter.

This makes the act of drilling down on a specific team member and their work on a specific study easy as it allows users to have a grounding point of where they are within the application and resuses a page for implementation.

Designs that prompt action from supervisors.

Supervisors identify areas for action in the dashboard by pinpointing "At-Risk" programs, studies, and team members that populate towards the top of lists. They can then use overview sections and drill-downs to dissect the data to understand the reasons behind the "At-Risk" label.

Data visualizations

Progress on the study's issues, queries, exception listings, and weekly objectives are shown through visual graphics. Moreover, progress status is also broken down by each data analyst's progress to find outliers and problems.

Utilizing and contributing to a design system with detailed developer documentation.

This was the first project that I rigorously used and contributed to a design system/design library, and I learned about UX design principles and product sense thinking from the Design Director on the project. For the MVP version that would go out to the development team, I created detailed documentation for developers so the designs could stand on their own by adding notes to explain aspects of components thoroughly along with documented component states.​

Designing in an unfamiliar technical space.

At the start of this project, I was thrown into a product that was very foreign to me. The platform works with the regulations and system of the FDA clinical trial system, which was a topic I had no experience with. Grappling with little context of the problem space but reframing my mindset to the needs of an unfamiliar audience was a skill I gained quickly from working on this project. I learned to ask important and essential questions to the client and how to design products without knowing all the details.